Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Where have I been?

**Scroll down for Eggplant Curry Recipe!!

Hmm...great question. New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, and Canada! Mark and I have been traveling quite a bit. I managed to not buy anything in July. It was actually pretty freeing to realize, I can live without *this*! I also realized that I don't really buy too much. Especially when you don't have extra money to begin with, it's not a huge temptation, but I will take this experience with me nonetheless, so that when Mark and I are living above the poverty line, I won't be tempted to blow our "extra" money needlessly!

I've been trying to get into a regular routine of making my local goat milk and local chicken and duck egg runs weekly. I will be sad when/if we move to the city, because these yummy foods were available to close, and reasonably priced!

After all of the traveling, I decided I am going to go back on my no sugar, no flour or gluten products (except soaked oatmeal a few times a week), no dairy (except goat's milk kefir) diet to regulate things. I feel fantastic. My goal is to regulate my cycle and control those nasty symptoms that come on every month, as well as decrease/eliminate the pain in my joints, which has been creeping in again.


My latest favorite dish is eggplant curry, made from local, organic ingredients:

1 eggplant
2 tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped (or 1 can diced tomatoes)
1 red onion
1 tsp fresh grated ginger
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp coriander
1 tsp fenugreek seeds
dash of cayenne pepper
coconut oil
fresh cilantro

I first peeled and cubed the eggplant, coating it with sea salt, and then let it sit for an hour. I rinsed and patted it dry, and sauteed it in coconut oil in batches. I threw all of the eggplant in my corningware and set aside. Then, I sauteed the red onions in butter and spices. When the onions were soft, I added the ginger and tomatoes and simmered them for a few minutes. After that, I added everything together and baked for an hour. Throw on the cilantro and you're good to go! Soooo yummy and really quite easy, in my opinion!! This made four servings. Serve with brown rice.

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