I don't know when I will post again. My laptop has just died. The hard drive needs to be replaced, and I haven't made up my mind yet how I will respond to this very expensive, inconvenient issue. Apple has told me that it could be weeks, or months, before I am able to receive a fully working laptop. However, even with this problem, I have much to be thankful about...
I am thankful that my phone is broken, because it means that dinner won't get interrupted.
I am thankful that I have a public library that is fully equipped with technology that I am free to use.
I am thankful that Mark is healthy, and he can stuff himself silly with Chocolate Bread Pudding without worrying about how it will affect him.
I am thankful that my divorced parents live in the same town, so I can see them both on Thanksgiving!!
And I'm thankful for my readers...all two of you! =)
Have a great Thanksgiving :) :)